
Model Behavior

Having a bit too much fun in Priority Seating! (White + Warren cargo jacket, Blue Bird blouse, American Apparel skirt, Ferragamo flats)

My gorgeous friend and model, Kasimira, looking classically off duty! (See her Tumblr HERE!)

My hotel room! Disco to the max baby!

Flight attire: striped top and a vintage hat!

Good Mornin NYC! Aren't you pretty?

Early morning walk to Central Park! No makeup/bangs back/hobo attire. The best I'll say :)

Subway to Greenwich!

Bleecker Street pizza. The best!

See? Models eat!

Just another night on the town in New York City with my good friend and fellow model, Kasimira! She is so so gorgeous and so TALL. My goodness, I'm 5'10 and she makes me feel like a midget! It was literally her second day in New York and so I showed her Times Square before subwaying it to Greenwich Village for my favorite pizza, Bleecker Street Pizza. I am so happy I got to meet up again with Kasimira after so long! She's also a west coast native and so it was crazy getting together in the Big Apple. We became great friends a few years ago after walking in the Teen Vogue Marc Jacobs runway. Aww, memories! It was one of our first modeling gigs, back when we were so young and couldn't help but bond over our love for Shia Labeouf HA (hit us up shia!)! I loved catching up on life while walking the city streets in search of waffles w/ ice cream. My place was near Times Square and so yaaa, we ended up with the classic McDonald's ice cream cone! I'm going to miss trotting around the city with this awesome girl, but I'm sure we will meet up again when I'm back!

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