
What I'd Wear Spring '11

I've been browsing for ages this morning and I stumbled upon two collections that I adore! They are complete opposites from one another, but scream CHIC CHIC CHIC!

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First off, there is Acne (a word I'd normally cringe upon as thoughts of adolescence and awkwardness run through my mind). But now I can only associate the word with the simplistic, sheer, shouldbeworneveryday clothing that I'm dying to have in my closet this coming Spring. I love the dark colors and loose fits. Now you see kiddos, there is nothing wrong with having acne! I kid. I kid.

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Now on a brighter note, there is Rebecca Taylor, my new designer girl crush. I'm lusting over the loud colorful prints that work well in soft flowing fabrics. This collection showcases the comeback of the long maxi dress perfectly. And once again, it shows that anything high waisted works! I think I'm in love...