I love you Caitlin!
Okay so there is this place, completely underground, hidden from the craziness of NYC...full of models. Yeah, I know, sounds super intimidating and scary. I felt the same thing when I heard about it months ago, but it is actually pretty incredible! It's called Modellounge and it's basically a really rad space for models, and now even participating NYC bloggers, to hang throughout the day, whether it be to escape the super hot heat and grab a cold drink (we're talking Illy and VitaminWater mhhmmm) , or hit up one of the many laptops to check their emails. There's always something new going on whenever I pop by, like today, there were MASSAGES, gahhhhhhhhh. How cool is that? I wish I had more time throughout the day to visit, but at least I know there is this really comfy place in Union for my friends and I to meet up! Modellounge is currently working on videos and making sure to get the best updates behind the scenes for fashion week, with little sneak peeks at how the NYC models are prepping hehe! Be sure to check out the Modellounge blog for fun fashion week updates! I'm sure it will keep you entertained :)